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Most used in preschool, kindergarten or home-school, our free Letter N tracing worksheets include uppercase and lowercase exercises.
We purposely designed fun images that children connect naturally to.
These worksheet are designed to add a little bit extra to the child's experience of forming letters... a smile and a sense of involvement.
All our worksheets are designed by a children's illustrator and a teacher...they're all free because we're committed to closing the unfair gaps in children's education.
When it comes to learning the alphabet, you probably sing songs, watch videos, play games, and do various worksheets and activities...
Some of my favourite videos are the ones that tell a story based on a letter.
What else have you been doing to help your child understand the alphabet? I-Spy? Drawing on a tray of sand?
It can be fun to get hands on. I also found it a lot of fun combining activities, a bit like an obstacle course or circuit training for kids.
Nature and it's links to wellbeing are well established. How about taking the learning to the local park? How could you integrate alphabet learning into a fun trip out? Share your great ideas with other educators in the comments below.
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