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These free letter P tracing worksheets help kids enjoy the journey of learning to write.
The worksheet below is for uppercase and lowercase practice done together. We are currently creating uppercase only and lowercase only versions. Let us know if there are any other varieties that you'd like.
All our worksheets are designed by a children's illustrator and a teacher...they're all free because we're committed to closing the unfair gaps in children's education.
What else have you been doing to help grow alphabet understanding in your littluns? A game of I-Spy? Alphabet songs? Drawing in sand? Drawing on their back and them drawing the same on a board (or equivalent?)
There's a game I used to play as a teacher called BANG! To play this game you would need at least 3 children. It's based on pass the parcel. Instead of a parcel, we would pass around a teddy bear or soft ball. Inside the ball or teddy bear was a timer, sometimes set to 1 minute, sometimes to a random amount of time. It was called BANG because when the timer goes off we would all shout "BANG!". You may be able to come up with a less noisy version of this if you prefer a calmer environment...
If we were learning "P". We would name things beginning with P and pass the teddy. Whoever has the teddy when the timer goes off is either "out" until we had a winner or does a silly dare to re-enter the game if they want. Many Many hours of fun with this game! And can be adapted in so many ways...
However you're choosing to cause learning and familiarity to happen in your children I hope it's varied and enjoyable. How about sharing what's working for you?
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