Free Colorful and Fun Letter X Tracing Worksheets - Perfect for Kindergarten

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Looking for letter x practice worksheets for beginners?

Kids love our tracing worksheets. Each one is created by a children's illustrator who understands what makes kids smile and engage. 

All our worksheets are designed by a children's illustrator and a teacher...they're all free because we're committed to closing the unfair gaps in children's education.

More on this Letter X worksheet

  • suitable for 4-6 year olds, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten (dependant on your school)
  • kid-friendly designs support concentration
  • letter formation guidance to follow step by step
  • Kids develop pen control, writing ability, letter familiarity, and confidence

How you might use it 

  • Homework packs
  • Holiday packs 
  • Something to give the parents
  • Create a few peaceful minutes in class 
  • A record of progress 

A Final Note...

Let us know in the comments below or visit our Facebook page and group to tell us what you think of our worksheets and if we can make any tweaks for you. 

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